Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cheese Galore

I know right, I just finished eating breakfast and I'm already hungry. Actually no, I'm not hungry; I'm just showcasing my cravings. Since, yesterday my dream came true, I ate meat yesterday right, after I made that post. And hopefully, after this post I'll eat something with cheese. (hhhehheheh) I'm just kidding with you guys. I mean all I can say is FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!  

My top pick for my Cheese Post is (drum roll please) : Broccoli with Cheese- all I can say is I love you....


Then my second pick is:  A Grilled Cheese Sandwich - beautiful crust and nice hot melting cheese on both ends. Is there nothing better than this! It always reminds me of the time my Mom used to pack it in my lunch box or I'll eat at home when I wanna snack. Perfect :*


My last pick is: Cheese Cake - I really really love cheese cake. I buy it every time I go to Sbarro in Manila. Because they only make it there, and well my classmates during the field trip; especially my best friends didn't want to eat there because they said "it was only rich people eat there" or "it is too expensive". They said the exact same thing about Starbucks. And, It still cracks me up all the time. 

But, I really wanted to eat there. Because pizza you know, how can you not resist it. So, they gave in and we got to eat there and me too hehe :)) And, I told them that I eat there all the time and they we're like, WOW!!! and I was just happily eating my pizza. Of course, they're a lot of well, me's or Americans shall I say. And, this one bog white dude talked to me, while I was ordering. Because I spoke very well, he asked if I was American and I said yes, and told him what was good there. :)) I'm such a nice person. hehe 

I know I said I was just not feeling it, but I got a sudden urge like an idea. It just comes to me. Especially when I'm in the shower or asleep, which by the way is so annoying because,  I have to get up and write them  all down. 

Like, last night, I got an idea while laying down that for Christmas maybe, I should make a best friend playlist (consisting of all the songs we sang and stuff) like, our songs. For two of my besties because, I'm gonna be leaving soon and I want to leave a legacy or an awesome present. so, that it's a reminder of me. Heheheh sounds like a good idea huh? 

Maybe or maybe not, but what matters is that I change my mind often and go after what I want without looking back. Hopefully, my parents pay me for tutoring my brothers soon. I mean I need to start shopping and buying for Christmas presents.  I wonder if the Philippines also has Black Friday? Hmmm..... 

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